Friday, April 30, 2010

Friday 5!

(Warning: This edition of Friday 5 might be a little TMI for some people, but I had to vent, sorry in advance! :P)

1. I absolutely hate it when Aunt Flow comes to town, she's over stayed her welcome and I want her gone! Any advice on how to survive while she's here? I could really use some, because with this on top of Finals HELL, I'm a wreck :P

2. I love how inspiration can strike at the most random times from the most random things, yay for inspiration! :)

3. I <3 Glee, like, seriously, I teared up during the last episode! :) *Tear*

4. Finals are ALMOST over, it's so close I can taste it! :D

5. I <3 my critique group, the INK Slingers, they're an amazing group of girls/writers and I would love to meet in person some day, I bet we'd have a blast! :D



Kristi Faith said...

Ella: Sorry bout Auntie visiting for so long. :( Eat lots of SMALL meals to keep your energy and positive attitude. Other than that...drugs. LOL (not of the illegal sort)

Have a great weekend!

Shannon O'Donnell said...

Hurray for finals nearing the end! They can be so stressful. Good luck with Auntie!! :-)

Unknown said...

good luck on your last finals. the end is in sight. yeah for summer.