Monday, April 26, 2010

Short Story Week

This month INK Slingers, the amazing critique group Ella and I belong to, has decided to try something new: short story week. Every month a different person from the group will pick out a picture, word, or some other form of prompt, and each of us will have to use that prompt to write a one to five page short story. Then the last week of the month each of us will post our story to our blog.

Anyway, at the beginning of the month Ella sent us all a copy of her picture of choice (as seen above), and since this is the last week of April it's time for the great, yet orderly, unveiling.

Here is this week’s posting schedule*.
Monday, April 26- Aaron will post her short story on The Blogger Girlz
Tuesday, April 27- Ella will post her short story on The Blogger Girlz blog
Wednesday, April 28- Bethany will post her short story on Aspirations
Thursday, April 29- Hayley will post her short story on The Writer's Hollow
Friday, April 30- Emery will post her short story on Emery Lord

*All dates are subject to change due to life happening.


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