Sunday, June 12, 2011

JuNoWriMo Day 11: Update


Did I meet my daily goal:
How it went:
My biggest obstacle of the day:
My favorite sentence(s) of the day:

Did I meet my daily goal: Nope, 217 words.
How it went: Yet again I spent most of the day writing... homework. However, since I'm refusing to count homework only the half hour I got in before bed counted. What can I say? My goal is 1,000 words a day on Entwined not 1,000 words a day on anything at all. At least I'm sticking to my guns, so that's something.
My biggest obstacle of the day: My computer. At first I thought it was just the internet that was causing the problem, but now I'm pretty sure it's the computer in general. Well, not really the computer itself, but writing on the computer. Tonight, writing on a tablet in on top of my key board got me better results in thirty minutes than three hours of uninterrupted typing yesterday afternoon. So I think I may trying pen and paper for a couple days and see what kind of results I get.
My favorite sentence(s) of the day: "Where had this been an hour ago when she'd killed my mother?"

~ Ella and Aaron

1 comment:

KM Nalle said...

Keep trying and by all means switch up the means with which you write. The change might just be the trick!