Thursday, July 28, 2011

ROW80: Check-In #7!

So, to be totally honest, I didn't do any writing yesterday, but today I manged to get something written. Here are today's stats:

1st 25 Min. Session: Wrote 251 words on Shitty First Draft
2nd 25 Min. Session: Wrote 103 words on Shitty First Draft

Those two writing sessions brought my total wordcount up to 1,824 words!

In other news, I'm getting ready to start work on a side project to keep myself entertained that I'm calling Sekrit Project! I'm pretty excited about it and hopefully it'll do its job and give me something else to have fun with when things with SFD get tough (like they have been practically everyday!) and vise versa!

Happy writing and thank you sooo much to the people that commented on my last check-in post! Your enthusiasm and encouragement are what makes me keep going! :) <3



Lydia Kang said...

SFD sounds more fun that WIP.

Just sayin'.

Congrats on the wordage. On that note, I need to get to writing myself...

Tourisme Constructif said...

Great post, thanks