1. I still haven't finished reading WRITE YOUR BOOK NOW! Hope to fix that SOON!
2. I realized that plotting a 50,000 word novel is hella HARD.
3. I'm ashamed (and also a little giddy if I'm being honest!) to say that I was seduced by a NEW SNI earlier tonight. I'm giving myself till October 31st to choose between four WIPs and decide once and for all which one I am going to devote my time to during NaNo...
4. Right after I do some serious plotting...ewww.
5. To get inspired while writing, I made a collage of some of my favorite book covers! :)
Happy writing and wish me luck (also, if you have any advice on plotting I would be forever grateful!)
Hmm advice about plotting. I don't know. I either just start plunking down words (and crossing them out over and over) until something starts happening, or I start asking a bunch of what-if questions to try out different sequences of events.
It's hard keeping up with goals. I didn't have much to report this week either. Hope you have a better week. And neat collage! :D
Now there is pain I understand. A little over a year ago I had to choose between quite a few (um, 8-10) WIP's and while it was hard, things are much calmer now.
As for plotting. Larry Brooks and Alexandra Sokoloff are both excellent resources. There is a NaNo Fever segment on my Blog Treasures 10-22 post that can direct you to both of them. Larry's book Story Engineering is a constant companion (sits on my desk) of mine, as is James Scott Bell's Plot & Structure.
If you want a quick plotting process Google Randy Ingermanson. His Advanced Fiction Writing Blog is a great resource and he provides a full overview of both his Snowflake Plotting method and the How to write a scene article (both free) gives ideas on handling micro-structure.
By the way, I'm right with you, plotting is hard but writing in the dark for a month would be harder I think. Hope the suggestions help.
All the best for the coming week and NaNo :)
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