Thursday, December 29, 2011

Taking Back My Life in 2012

2011 is in its final stretch, and looking on the year it's hitting me that I really didn't have a life for the past 12 months. I could sum up the entire year as 365 repetitions of get up, teach, grade, study, go to bed. I read maybe a dozen books, viciously shut down any guy foolish enough to approach me, canceled all of my charity work, got may 10,000 words done in NaNoWriMo, and only posted a handful of reviews. Pretty much the only thing I managed to accomplish aside from graduating was getting a tattoo!


But no more!

All I have on my plate for 2012 is trying to survive as a substitute teacher, so to keep that though from depressing me I'm loading up on extracurricular. My three big ones are "100 Books in 2012" at Book Chick City, "I Dig Reading" at The Insect Collector, and setting up a breast cancer awareness challenge/ dare for October.

100 Books in 2012
Last year I tried my hand at Book Chick City's 100 Books In a Year Reading Challenge, and I have no idea how I did. For all I know I read 100 books in the last 12 months, but I didn't review most of them or even keep track using a list. Epic Fail.

Anyway, I'm going to try again this year and see how I fair. In addition to posting the nifty badge featured below as well as the one to the right I've set up a separate page for the challenge where I'll have a list of my "to read" and "have read" books so I can keep track. I've also done the math and figured out that in order to meet the deadline of 100 books by December I'll need to read 8.33 books a month, which I'm going to round up to 9 for the sake of simplicity.

I Dig Books
Reading and charity how could I not get into that, especially in light of my quest to read 100 books this year. For this specific challenge you pledge to donate a certain amount of money to the charity(s) of your choice for every book (or possibly page) you read in 2012.

I haven't settled on a charity and most likely won't until next December, but I have decided to donate $1 for ever book I read from January 1st through December 31.

Breast Cancer Awareness Something-or-Other
Blogfest, Blog Hop, Challenge, Dare? I'm not entirely sure of the form, but it's definitely going to happen so keep an eye out for updates.



KatOwens: Insect Collector said...

YAY Aaron- Thanks so much for joining the I Dig Reading Challenge. I'm going to put you on the blog tab right now! I'm going to try to read 100 this year too, but I didn't realize there was a challenge for it. I'll have to get on that! I managed to read 88 this year, and it was tough. Throwing in a few shorter MG books helps a lot! (And I knocked out a lot more in the summer than in school months).

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

A hundred books in a year is about two a week - certainly doable.
Happy New Year!

Cherie Reich said...

Good luck with your reading challenges!

And there's nothing wrong with shutting down any guy foolish enough to approach you. I do that all the time at work. Then again, I like my work-home-work-home routine. :)

Christine Rains said...

Good luck and happy new year!

Nadja Notariani said...

Best of luck with your 2012 goals, Aaron! Graduating is a huge accomplishment in itself, so don't beat yourself up overmuch! Ha!

If you're interested in gaining another book to add to your 100, send me an email
nadja (dot) notariani (at) gmail (dot) com
I'd be glad to offer you a kindle (or other epub) version of my newest release, Her Dark Baron.