Monday, December 31, 2012

My Goals for 2013!

It's hard to believe that in just a few short hours, 2012 will come to an end and 2013 will finally arrive. This year has been one full of ups and downs, joys and sorrows (the biggest joy: Welcoming my brand new nephew, Jace Daniel, into the world on December 23rd. The biggest sorrow: My great grandpa passing away over the summer). I accomplished a lot this year, but I also didn't accomplish as much as I wanted to, namely losing a desired amount of weight and writing The End on a novel. So, with that in mind, here are my goals for 2013:

Big Goal #1: Lose 30 pounds before the end of the year
*Minnie Goal: Exercise every other day for 20 minutes
*Minnie Goal: Try Dr. Oz's green drink
*Minnie Goal: Exclude junk food from diet Monday-Thursday
*Minnie Goal: Don't have a second helping of food during mealtimes, have water instead
*Minnie Goal: Keep a visual reminder of my Big Reward
Big Reward #1: Buy and fit comfortably into my version of the Little Black Dress

Big Goal #2: Write-and FINISH-the first draft of a 60K word YA novel before the end of the year
*Minnie Goal: Set weekly word count goals
*Minnie Goal: Keep myself accountable using Facebook
*Minnie Goal: Reward myself for every 5,000 words I write
*Minnie Goal: Keep a visual reminder of my Big Reward
Big Reward #2: A framed print of the photograph used as the book cover for The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin

So there you have it, my goals for 2013. Good luck with your own goals and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! :)


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