Monday, April 26, 2010

Batter Up!

Well, today is the first day of Short Story Week, and here is my story, The Vessel.

Since this was just for fun I decided to try something (actually two somethings) that I'd never tried before. The first was writing in the third person, which I had thought about using before but never actually tried. The second was that I actually switched off at the end. The first four pages were in third person, but the last page was in first person. It's a little funky, but I think that considering the story it works. But, I guess I should let you guys be the judge of that.



Denise Covey said...

The third person cum first person works well. I was rivited. Great story.

Hayley Lovell said...

Loved this Aaron it just was great the ending kind of made me really sad though, for the girl, well done!