Friday, May 14, 2010

Friday 5!

1. Did you guys watch the season finales of The Vampire Diaries and Private Practice the other night? AMAZING! And I've been secretly hoping that Elana and Damon on TVD and Addison and Sam on PP would get together like all season long, so I was totally over the moon with joy!!! And did you see the twist at the end of VD? OMG, so awesome!!! :D <3

2. And how about American Idol and Glee, huh? The singing on both shows was amazing! I'm bummed that Big Mike went home on AI but I also <3 who America chose as the top three finalists! You rock my socks Crystal Bowersox!! :D And Puck and Finn on Glee?? OMG, I swear, they get hotter every episode!! :P

3. Your guys' suggestions for the Five Words game are awesome, keep 'em coming! I need two more words before I can write my short story and post it on the blog for all to see! :D

4. I've finally found what I've been looking for: a creative writing class that focuses on writing/reading nothing but FICTION! I'm so stoked! :D Hopefully the class lives up to my expectations!

5. Hopefully by sometime this afternoon, I'll be the proud new owner of FIVE new books from Barnes and Nobel, SQUEE!!! :D

Happy Friday, all!

1 comment:

Christina Lee said...

YES to Damon and Puck and AI! Have a good weekend!