Saturday, June 5, 2010

Friday 5

1. Eclipse, the third movie in the Twilight Saga, comes out in only 24 days!!!! SQUEE!!!! :D <3

2. Sisters Red by Jackson Pearce comes out in only 2 days!!!! DOUBLE SQUEE!!!!! Oh man, you have no idea how long I've waited to read this one, I am sooo excited!!!!! :D <3

3. The Creative Writing: Fiction class that I thought for sure was going to be canceled due to lack of enrollment ended up NOT being canceled, so that means I get to write all summer (whether I want to or not! :P) YAY!!! :D <3

4. I've been trying to find a new creative outlet, something to do to de-stress if writing or schoolwork or life in general gets too hectic and I think I've finally found it: making origami! :)

5. Besides origami, lately I've been having a ball doing things with photographs, whether it be making a collage out of them or using them to brighten up a calender. I've been finding pictures online to do all this, but now I really wanna take a photography class and learn to take my own photos! :)


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