With school starting and Labor Day coming up it's easy to forget that registration for Rachael's
Third Writers' Platform-Building Campaign is underway over at Rach Writes. I just popped in and signed Ella and myself up, so if you haven't already but you want to you should head over there and sign up too.
Hi there :D
Thank you for joining my blog. I believe I'm in your Dystopian group for the campaign. Looking forward to campaigning together!
Hi! I'm in your Fantasy Campaign group.
Nice to meet you :)
Hey there! I'm in your YA group. Just wanted to stop by and follow. Also, I posted a fun game to get us Campaigners to mingle: http://jessica-therrien.blogspot.com/2011/09/blogger-game-10-random-facts-about-me.html
Hello fellow campaigners! I am in your YA group. Nice to meet you and I look forward to reading more!
Hi there! I'm in your dystopian group! Happy campaigning!
Hi guys--just dropped over to say hi. I'm in Adult fic #5 with you. You're another ROW80 person. Looking forward to chatting.
Popping in to say hello. I'm in your YA all genres campaign group. I joined late, so I'm playing catchup.
Looking forward to connecting!
Hi, trying to get around and say hello to all the authors in the fantasy groups! Hello!
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