I was totally planning to though, I swear! I did exactly what I did last time, separated myself from real life distractions, booted up Pandora and...notta.
I just wasn't feeling it, so instead I spent that hour messing around online and daydreaming about my SNI (Shiny New Idea). All I've got so far on it is some notes, some visual inspiration, and the beginnings of a playlist to inspire me while I write.
But this time, before I even write a word, I'm starting with a different battle plan in mind and reading a great book called WRITE YOUR BOOK NOW!: A PROVEN SYSTEM TO START AND FINISH THE BOOK YOU'VE ALWAYS WANTED TO WRITE by Gene Perret. Here's the summery from Goodreads:
Ideal for aspiring authors who only dream of actually finishing their works in progress, this guide features proven, field-tested tools guaranteed to successfully complete that romance, expert guide to business success, or great American novel. The chapters simplify the writing process by breaking it down into a series of discrete tasks, from creating a schedule in order to finish within a reasonable time, brainstorming sections of the book, and organizing ideas into chapters to rewriting, editing, submitting for publication, and even marketing. This reference is tailored to help writers avoid distractions and delays by establishing and maintaining a powerful writing momentum, thereby carrying their projects to completion. The psychological blocks that prevent writers from completing their manuscripts as well as how to combat them are also explored.
So far, the book is really good and is slowly teaching me that instead of just diving right into my story as soon as I get a new idea like I always do, I need to take time to plan, schedule, and not go in blind. I'm enjoying Gene's step-by-step approach to writing am going to finish reading this book and then apply its tools and advice to my current and not-so-current projects in order to have a successful journey toward THE END! I totally recommend this book to any writer whose having trouble reaching the end of thier WIP like me! :)
Happy writing!
It happens to all of us, so no worries! The the idea is simply too big to know where to start, focus on a smaller bit--brainstorm world-building, character, ask your self what-ifs until you're blue in the face. It's still progress, you're just in the discovery process.
I have many days that begin with plans to write, which don't pan out.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this book.
I joined ROW80 late, but I plan on posting my progress soon, hopefully this Sunday.
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