Monday, July 29, 2013

What's Up Monday

What I'm Reading 
I'm taking a break from reading all of the other books I've mentioned in previous posts and decided to focus my attention on Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare.  I've tried to read City of Bones in the past and could never seem to make it past the first chapter, but when I saw that Clockwork Angel was set in the Victorian-era, I knew I had to give this book a try finally and so far I really like it!  Tessa's unique ability is fascinating to read about! :)

What I'm Writing
So, as much as it pains me to say this, I have to admit something to you all... *deep breath* My name is Ella and I have not written one new word (or exercised) for ten whole days.  I know, I know, the horror!  But besides a horrible case of procrastination due to life taking over and a giant lack of enthusiasm for my WIP, I have a (kinda) good explanation, described below.

Now, here are my Ready. Set. Write! goals for this week:

Monday, July 29th
Write 250+ words
Tuesday, July 30th
Write 250+ words
Exercise for 20 minutes 

Wednesday, July 31st
Write 250+ words

Thursday, August 1st
Write 250+ words
Exercise for 20 minutes

Friday, August 2nd
Write 250+ words

Saturday, August 3rd

Sunday, August 4th
Write 250+ words
Exercise for 20 minutes

What Else I've Been Up To
Besides not writing and becoming addicted to way too many new (well, new to me, anyway) T.V. shows, I've spent the past week hanging out with family and friends and just relaxing.  Recently, I spent a girl's weekend with my fellow Blogger Girl Aaron, gossiping, laughing, shopping, watching movies, eating way too much junk food and taking a trip to Barnes and Nobel.  So even though I feel guilty about not writing (or exercising) at all for ten days, I'm glad I took that time away from the computer and my story and got to get out and actually live life for once instead of just write about living it!  Now, after the craziness of the last ten days has finally calmed down, I feel re-energized, re-inspired, and ready to tackle this week's goals head on! :)

In other news, I chose to take a break from soul-sucking science classes and decided to get another elective out of the way by taking a fiction writing class for this coming semester! I'm pretty nervous, but still definitely excited! 

What Inspires Me Right Now
New Girl
Orange is the New Black
Push Girls
The Host
Movie theaters
Enthusiastic teen readers

Until next time,

1 comment:

Carole said...

Good luck with the writing and the writing class. Cheers