Friday, March 26, 2010

Friday 5!

1. I'm 21 now! (Whoa that sounds weird, lol) and I got to have my birthday dinner at a resturaunt that's located on top of a mountain here in Mexico, it was awesome!

2. I got a really cool necklace made out of an orange peel and rubber from a gum tree as a birthday present from my parents and I also got 100 bucks from my grandparents who told me to "spend it wisely", lol. Any suggestions on what I should blow it on (besides a shopping spree at Barnes and Nobel, which I'll probably do anyway? :P)

3. Today is our last full day in Mexico and tommorrow afternoon we leave for the airport, BOO! I love it here, I love the food and the heat and the way time seems to go at a snail's pace. I'll miss it, definatly, but I'm also excited to go home and see my other family again and see our other dog and our kitten Bella (who's probably grown a ton since we've been gone and who the housesitter says has finally mastered climbing the curtains! :P)

4. I finshed reading Ash by Melinda Lo the other day and absolutly LOVED it! Ash was spunky and a dreamer who believed in true love and happy endings and was she awesome! As well as a tomby, but she was also a total softy when it came to Ash, so sweet! I didn't want the story to end! I'm definatly going to read more by Melinda in the future! :) <3

5. I just got up from an hour long nap outside in the sun. I never nap, ever. God, I love Mexico! :)



Aubrie said...

Happy Birthday! Is your kitten named after the famous vampire loving Bella? :)

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday. Gifts, books, and trips--what a great time.

Jade said...

I've been wondering if ASH was any good so I'm glad to hear positive things. I wish people would stop writing good books.

No! I take it back!