Monday, June 21, 2010

Devour: Visual Inspiration

So, the fabulous Steph Bowe came up with the awesome idea of posting pictures that have to do with/or inspire her to write her WIP. Similar posts have been going around lately, so I thought I'd join in on the fun! So here, without further ado, is my WIP Devour (a modern day retelling of Hansel and Gretel) in pics! :)

Now comes the fun part! Can you guess what happens in the story just by looking at the pictures alone? I'd love to hear your guesses, funny or otherwise, in the comments! :D



The Blogger Girlz said...

Are these pictures sequential?


The Blogger Girlz said...

No, they're all in a random oder. :)


Shannon O'Donnell said...

I have an award for the Blogger Girlz on my blog today! :-)

Anonymous said...

Cool concept. I'm guessing this book is a zombie dystopian with sugar addicted characters.