Thursday, June 3, 2010


So, I've got a little something up my sleeve to try and conquer the terrifying, hair-raising, blood-curdling experience of...The First Draft.

My Mission for the Month of June: Write a full (or at least part of) a rough draft in 30 days. Kind of like NaNoWriMo, except it's not taking place in November, I'm not doing word count goals but rather page goals (1 page a day) and I'm not going to beat myself up if I don't meet my goals (Ha! Easier said then done, we'll see how that goes!)
Plan of Attack: Outline both the plot and the novel as a whole. Which I've done (almost, but not quite, I don't want to know everything that happens before I've even started writing, that would take the fun out of it all!) and I've gotta say it was pretty fun and enlightening! :)
Reward at the End of 30 Days for a Job Well Done: Jacob Black shirtless! (Oh, whoops! meant to say "Going to see Eclipse on opening night", my bad! :P)

In other news, Jay Asher, author of Thirteen Reasons Why and his wife are expecting a baby!!! YAY!!! :D <3 Also, a shout out to my fellow Blogger Girl Aaron, who turned 22 on May 31st, happy b-day Aaron, love you! :D And last but not least, Emery, my fellow critique group member, after much hard work, has finally finished writing her WIP!!!! Go, Em! You rock!! :D <3

Now, my dear readers, go forth and spread the awesomeness, God knows we could use more of it! :D

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