Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Trying New Things

So, with ideas for my new WIP on the brain, over the past couple of days I've been thinking a lot about what I want to accomplish with my writing (besides fame, fortune, my own reality television series, you know, the usual fantasies :P). Of course, the actual writing of the book will probably always be the same, but I want how I go about getting those words down on the page and what I write about to be fun and new, daring, something I've never tried before. And so, with that in mind, I present:

How I (Might) Want to Write My Next Book

*Using Twitter
*Using the text feature on my cell phone
*Using a tape recorder
*Creating a blog/something else (specifically for my novel)

Which brings me to:

What I Want to Write (Just so you know, this list doesn't apply to just this one novel, these are ideas for all different-or a combination of- novels that I would love to try and write someday)

*YA Historical Fiction
*Upper Middle Grade Fiction
*A novel using two POVs
*A novel with a male main character

So, as you can see, I have a lot to think about concerning my next book. All I know is, I want how I write the book to be fun, creative and unique and I want what I write about to be all of those things and more.

Now I want to know, what about you? Have you ever changed the way you write your books (besides using a word processor)? What were the results? And have you ever written outside your comfort zone and tried something you've never tried before? How did it go? And lastly, what format (Twitter, texting, etc.) would you recommend I write my new book in? Do you have any other suggestions that have worked well for you?

Let me know!

1 comment:

Gina said...

this was interesting. the novel idea I've been working on involves a girl with a blog, and my friend suggested I create an actual blog and write the novel that way. I never thought about doing that. It sounds pretty cool; I don't know how it would work.

xo, gina